Doug Morton - computers and music

gNeo continues to add to its client base. Here is a sample of some of our clients and projects.

Streamline Mailing Systems

Development of intranet for this mailing company. Built route maps module, handled millions of addresses, maintenance and scheduling of routes and printing sequences.

Larkspur Data Systems

Development of many sub-features for their web site including trend analysis using Google Graphs, simplified export of data and many other functions.


Development of on-line broker certificate generation. Use of .NET Web Security and Aspose PDF generator. Development of email macros that register emails in a database by to, from and subject.

Collaborative Practice California

Development of web site and members area / intranet for this state-wide collaborative law organization. Handled registration process for annual meetings, including signup and session selection, payment processing and email notifications.

Global Merino

Development of comprehensive intranet, including product development / approval / specifications, pricing and order handling, inventory, company rolodex.

Ghilotti Brothers

Development of intranet for this construction company managing their complicated bids and pre-job process. In addition, developed a Driver Approval system.

Payroll Masters

Development and support of web site for this payroll processing company. Development of newsletter services, hookups into time keeping and HR services.

Collaborative Practice
San Mateo

Development of web site and members area / intranet for this state-wide collaborative law organization. Hooked site into Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In. Built framework for client content management via intranet.

Other Clients

RS Computer Programming
Bay Creative
J. Mann
Hospice by the Bay